What is a


young woman of faith?


Friends with Jesus

Deciding to be friends with Jesus is the most important choice she has ever made. Every aspect of her life is impacted by this relationship. Knowing who God is and how much He loves her helps her know and love others and herself better.



She is who she says she is to the best of her ability. She doesn’t sneak around, twist the truth, or hide things. Honesty matters, even when it might make life more difficult.


Emotionally Healthy

She’s not self-critical, but she is self-reflective and honest about aspects of her life where improvement is needed. She’s dedicated to making progress with her emotional health, even if it’s slow progress.


Relationally Smart

As she interacts with others, she’s careful to have wise boundaries. She knows she’s worthy of being treated with respect, and her relationships reflect this.


Continually Growing

A fierce young woman of faith is a lifelong learner. She seeks out thoughtful mentors and resources to keep her on a trajectory of growth.



Engaged With her Community

The people she lives with, her classmates, her literal neighbors, those who live in her city—they’re all members of her community. She does her best to treat them with kindness and respect. When she sees a need in her community, she takes care of it if she’s able.

Truthfully? A fierce woman of faith is who I want to be! But this is a packed-out list, and none of these things are “easy.” It takes humility, faith, and time. I’m trusting God to work on my heart and in my life to make me more like Him. And I think He’s happy to do that, even if it takes the rest of my life. I hope you’ll trust Him for the same!

And if you’re not interested in being friends with Jesus right now, that’s okay. I’m so glad you’re here! You’re welcome and loved here too, full stop.

Thank you for being a part of my journey to write clean YA fiction for fierce young women of faith. You give me hope and make my world sparkle a little brighter!

Ashley Mays | Clean YA fiction for fierce young women of faith.